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best Parasail in the sky of Hawaii

Parasail in the sky of Hawaii

First things first, parasailing is the combination of hang-gliding and waterskiing and is perfectly ideal for those who want the thrill of their lives.

Parasail in the sky of Hawaii
Parasail in the sky of Hawaii

Parasailing works like this, you are strapped in a comfortable harness, this harness is then attached to a tether. You – and your friend, if you want to bring a friend along

– let yourself be pulled rapidly behind a hi-tech speedboat. The instance your own parasail is caught by the wind, you will then magically rise towards the heavens.

Sky’s the limit

Once this tether reels itself from the speedboat, you will then further rise up in the sky. Prepare yourself as you begin to see a literal bird’s eye view of the beach and the ocean. The fact of the matter is that parasailing is safe and is a readily available activity in Hawaii.

Parasail in the sky of Hawaii
Parasail in the sky of Hawaii

Hawaii is the best in parasailing

Believe it or not, Hawaii has been offering parasailing for more than twenty years now. Their parasailing equipment is also completely hi-tech.

The coast guards of Hawaii, specifically of UFO Parasail, are fully certified and trained for parasailing making your parasailing ride a positively memorable activity, whether you are a virgin parasailer or an experienced one.

Parasail in Hawaii now

The first step is to ensure that there are assistants on the ground which check the harness and flight rig of your parasailor prior to taking off. Once these ground assistants hold their positions on the sail’s opposite sides, the driver of the boat is signaled to go.

Parasail in the sky of Hawaii
best Parasail in the sky of Hawaii

Tell the driver to start slow while the assistants hold the lines and aid the parasail to be filled with air. By this time, a parasailor will be taking long strides while the rope is taut. The canopy is to aid in the process of liftoff.

The parasail is to be steered by pulling the risers down on the direction desired. Although steering isn’t necessary. Try to direct the boat which will do the pick up to go behind and trail the parasailor at least two hundred feet.

The safety pin is then released in order to make the parasailor gently float to the water at a low or high altitude.

All in all, parasailing is an activity that needs the unique skill of being able to let go and just let the wind take you where it will. It is more fun that way and a lot more memorable.

‘Want an Exciting Vacation? Try Parasailing!

The most adventurous families nowadays look at vacations much differently as compared to more conservative families in the past.

Today, the more adrenaline-pumping the activity is, the more people flock to try it. There’s bungee jumping, kayaking, hang gliding, and also parasailing.

Parasailing isn’t for those who are weak of heart but it is a safe sport, all the same.

This is a type of recreation where the ‘parasailor’ is towed by a moving boat or four-wheeled vehicle while hanging in the air using a parachute. The rider is safely attached to the harness while the mode of transport speeds off.

Parasailing can be done on land, air or water. The exciting activities are endless and the participants could range from an individual to groups of adventurers (this sometimes comprises an entire family). There are three types of parasailing namely:

1. Parasailing from the shore (beach method)
2. Parasailing from the platform to the water
3. Parasailing from the platform of the ship (winchboat method)

And since parasailing is equal to adventure, most vacation spots (specially those with beaches) now offer this recreational activity together with their vacation packages.

When a certain family purchases one of their vacation packages, they have the option to incorporate water sport activities. The most famous spot where beaches and parasailing co-exist is the sunshine state—Florida.

There are many other places in the world where you could have your free time with your family while you take pleasure in looking at the picturesque sights or while enjoying the bird’s eyeview of the blue seas.

Such places include the Bahamas, Caribbean, Virginia beaches or sunshiny Hawaii. For those who want to get out of the west, Bangalore in India awaits them.

These famous vacation spots not only offer the sport but they also have amenities that support this strenuous activity.

They also have instructors that teach beginners the basics of parasailing and how to ride safely as an individual or as a family. These resorts also have medical teams that are constantly alert for any type of accident that might happen.

So if you are planning to go on a vacation with your family, try to escape the usual humdrum of theme parks or beaches. Why not go for something new like parasailing? You’ll never know, you might be able to make memories that will last you and your family a lifetime!

Parasailing: Maui Adventures

If you’ve been to Maui, you’ll surely agree that it offers the best beaches in the United States. Maui is one of the islands in the state of Hawaii.

It offers so much more fun and excitement to its tourists. People from all around the world have Maui as one of their must see places.

Since Maui is a small island, it’s pride is primarily on its beaches. The beaches are really incredible. You’ll get to experience a lot of outdoor sports that you probably won’t enjoy as much anywhere else.

You can go canoeing, kayaking, windsurfing, waterskiing, jet skiing, and many other activities involving open water.

Maui is a paradise for the real outdoor lover. Not only would you enjoy the great shorelines and soothing water, you’ll also have a chance to fly up into the air.

I’m talking about a different kind of water sport called ParasailingParasailing is relatively new compared to other sports.

You’ll just need to harness yourself on a chute and attach it to a fast moving vehicle. It has to be moving fast so you can rise up above the water and soar into the sky.

From above, you’ll get the best view of Maui that you can possibly see. There’s really no substitute for the joy of feeling the open air around you.

You might be thinking that parasailing is dangerous. It’s not. It’s safer than it sounds. If you stroll around Maui, you’ll surely be able to observe many people safely hovering in the skies. You’ll be wishing you could have your own chute so you can join them.

But don’t just go out and buy a parasail. To ensure maximum safety, you need to get enrolled in a short parasailing class first. Qualified instructors will be discussing with you everything you need to know to experience parasailing to the fullest. First time parasailers are actually advised to have a parasailing expert go with them.

Parasailing should be one of your priorities, if you’re going to Maui. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t experience the other fun sports. Parasailing should be enough to keep you feel young and good about yourself again.

So if you need to unwind, don’t just be contented in checking into crowded hotels facing a small swimming pool. Nothing beats parasailing over the open sea and being literally on top of everything else.

10 Top Places For Parasailing In The World

Most tourists regard location, cost, safety and diversity as major considerations in looking for a perfect parasailing destination.

Location is important to those who want pristine beach resorts that offer world-class amenities at pocket-friendly prices. Safety is main concern since parasailing can be dangerous if handled by inexperienced staff.

It is important to ascertain that people who will be handling the ride are certified professionals, using equipment that passed stringent testing and safety standards. The availability of alternative activities aside from parasailing is also plus factor.

The following top 10 destinations for parasailing are picked primarily based on the aforementioned factors:

Siesta Key, Florida

Here, anyone can participate in a parasailing adventure, even people as young as one and as old as 100. This beach, voted as the most beautiful in Florida and one of the best in the world, offers a spectacular view for adventurers to enjoy.


If you want to have fun, not only through parasailing but other activities as well, this beach, frequented by celebrities, is the place to be.

Mission Bay, San Diego, California

Your family will love an affordable and exciting adventure that not only includes parasailing but other enjoyable activities as well.


Aside from its white-sand beaches, this Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela, also offers wild and rugged shorelines and a desert that boasts of interesting rock formations and amazing flora.

Mactan, Cebu

This magnificent island in the Philippines is a safe haven for those who want extreme adventure. Aside from parasailing for beginners, this beautiful isle also provides a Magnum Flight that lets you experience a thrill of being held by a 1,200-foot line.

Cancun, Mexico

parasailing enthusiast who loves the nightlife will have a grand time in Cancun, long-time destination of choice of many travelers.

Sydney Harbor

Safety of the water sport enthusiasts is the primary concern of the businesses that line up on the beaches, particularly Bondi and Manly, in Sydney Harbor. Lifeguards abound to ensure that conditions for swimming, parasailing and surfing are secure.

Waikiki Beach
Waikiki is one of the many beaches in Hawaii that offers pleasant climate and views for parasailers.
Poros Island, Greece
Poros gives you a glimpse of the beauty of the Mediterranean. The dazzling scenery and clear waters will make your parasailing experience unforgettable.

Boracay, Aklan
Boracay, hailed as the best beach in the world by Harper’s and Sun Herald, is a small island that boasts of powdery white sand and turquoise-colored sea.

Stunning scenery, professional staff, spectacular weather conditions all year round, and bustling nightlife will surely make your stay in this water sport-aficionado haven a one-of-a-kind experience.

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