Weddings and weddings

Assigning Seats During Weddings

Assigning Seats During Weddings

Weddings are such tedious events that organizers assume too much responsibilities, from creating the guest list,

to putting out and distributing invitations, down to making sure everyone is seated where he or she should be during the ceremonies and in the reception.

Organizers should pay particular attention to this because putting a person to the wrong company during weddings can start up a great and scandalous commotion.

Wedding etiquette guides advise organizers to know everyone first, or at least do more research about personalities and backgrounds before assigning seats.

Arch enemies would not want to seat beside each other even for a few minutes, right? So be sensitive and particular to these and more issues.

Seating arrangement in the church

Wedding etiquettes always assume that weddings, as traditions have it, are taking place inside churches. Or that ceremonies are church rites, at least.

Following proper wedding etiquettes, the family of the bride should be seated on the left side and the groom’s family on the right side of the venue. Yes, the two families are segregated.

The couple’s parents should sit in the first pew, before the other important and significant guests. Seating arrangements in churches and other venues should be marked by organizers so people will know where they should be seated.

Divorced parents

There are special cases when seating arrangements in weddings are altered. However, the changes should still follow strict wedding etiquettes.

For one, if the parents are divorced, how will the organizer arrange seats for them? Answer, if the parents of either the bride or the groom,

or both, are divorced, both mom and dad can be seated along the front row with their current or new spouses. Flings and short-time girlfriends or boyfriends of parents are excluded and should not be seated there.

If the parents’ separation or divorce was a bitter one, and they still are not civil with each other, then the mom and dad should be seated in separate pews where they could hardly see each other.

It is the challenge for the wedding organizer to be creative, wise and practical in assigning seat arrangements during weddings.

The mom should be guided to her seat in the first pew by an assigned usher. If she remarried, her husband should walk just behind the mom and the usher. As a rule in wedding etiquettes, at least during the ceremonies, he should let his wife lead.

The bride’s or groom’s father should still escort or walk the bride or groom to the aisle along with the mom. No place for step moms and step dads for this part.

In most weddings, organizers arrange a seat plan is such a way that step moms and step dads are seated along with the grandparents or along with other significant or very special guests.

Seating arrangements during weddings should also vary and change, depending on the clergy and religion. Wedding etiquettes allow guests to inquire or ask about the seating arrangements to the clergy.


The Reception

There are wedding etiquettes governing seating arrangements in the church during the wedding ceremony. Of course, certain seating arrangements should also be ethically followed during the reception.

Here’s the proper arrangement on top tables on wedding receptions, in accordance to appropriate and proper wedding etiquettes:

Arranged from left to right, facing the guests: maid of honor, groom’s mom, bride’s dad, the bride, the groom, the bride’s mom, the groom’s dad, then the best man.

Wedding etiquettes advise that the table should be occupied only by 12 people, at most.

Othe people should be then seated to other tables. Strictly limit the occupants of the top table, if possible.

Also, remember that in assigning seating arrangements for receptions, the bride should always stand or be seated to the left side of the groom. Again, this is for symbolic purposes. Just adhere and follow traditions, won’t you?

I guess you could say I know a little about weddings

I love the South. This could have something to do with the fact that I was raised in North Carolina. Regardless, the southern states have much to offer.

Take Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina for example. These to cities are the epitome of Southern charm. Frankly I can’t get enough of either of them.

I even checked into savannah weddings when my wife and I decided to tie the knot. This worked out splendidly and we ended up cruising the cobblestone streets in a carriage.

Trust me when I say there are numerous things to do while visiting Savannah. And since we’re discussing savannah weddings, I have to mention the Bed and Breakfast we stayed in.

It’s known as the Ballastone Inn. They have a room called the China Trade Suite that’s phenomenal. I highly recommend this Inn due to it’s ideal service and decor. It’s also right in the midst of the historic district.

Are you convinced about savannah weddings yet? Hey, if I haven’t swayed you, then my guess is the Internet will. Pop open a few Savannah websites and see what’s cooking.

I’ll bet that you’ll be thinking of this little spot when your wedding date draws near.

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