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Spiritual Side of Humor

Spiritual Side of Humor

Spiritual Side of Humor Making use of both key devices of sharing and also experiencing, talked about in a previous write-up, is very closely linked to among our most priceless assets: a funny bone.

What is the high quality we call a funny bone and also why is it so extremely valued? Comprehending the response to that inquiry will certainly increase the degree of worth on those 2 essential devices and also will ideally make us intend to grow them better.


In observing what we call a feeling of wit, we see that wit needs viewpoint. It’s just when we tip away from recognition with a point and also connect either its internal operations or our very own operations that wit occurs.

In various other words, it’s just when we witness something, someone, or ourselves, and also share our monitorings that we are showing a feeling of wit.

I state, “Why wait?”

Overall sincerity + complete approval = Humor

Exactly how To Be More Attractive-Got ta Have Funny bone!
Spiritual Side of Humor

Much wit appears to be tied with judgment, yet if we look much more deeply, we’ll discover that there’s empathy and also love behind the judgment.

Both of these requirement to be existing for wit to exist, and also each of these is a part of the devices we utilize for making links with others. Wit accepts instead than turns down life’s paradoxes, enabling us to commemorate our problematic humankind.

Wit is among the highest possible kinds of interaction, even more qualified than any kind of various other kind of interaction of evoking states of pleasure and also euphoria, placing both the provider and also receiver in contact with the divine within. Put in the time to locate the wit in your day-to-day life. You’ll be raising your awareness which of others.

The usage of the 2 key devices of sharing and also observing, gone over in a previous write-up, is very closely linked to one of our most priceless assets: a feeling of wit. In observing what we call a feeling of wit, we see that wit needs point of view.

It’s just when we tip away from recognition with a point as well as connect either its internal operations or our very own operations that wit occurs.

In various other words, it’s just when we witness something, someone, or ourselves, and also share our monitorings that we are displaying a feeling of wit.

Wit is one of the highest possible kinds of interaction, even more qualified than any type of various other kind of interaction of evoking states of joy as well as euphoria, placing both the provider as well as receiver in touch with the divine within.

Humorous Thought for the Day – How I Write Funny Lines on a Daily Basis

Imagine a web site where you go on a daily basis to see a humorousthought for the day. Better yet, what if that site delivers the humorousthought for the day to your email?

And what if instead of providing stale, you’ve-heard-it-a-thousand-times-before humor, that site provided fresh, baked-daily humor created on-site in their in-store ovens?

Well … that’s the project I’ve taken on.

And it’s turning out to be quite the challenge to keep up with baking all those daily loaves of laughs.

So how do you go about creating a thought for the day that’s humorouswithout having to be a professional comic?

Here are some tips:

1. Think about the types of things in your everyday life that you find unusual, ridiculous, hard-to-understand, silly or embarrassing.

2. Come up with a way to express one of these things in a way that leads the mind in one direction. Then, suddenly shift direction with the final part. This is the setup/punchline structure of humor.

3. For a given idea, generate as many setup/punchline variations as you can. Keep pushing to generate them, even when you think you can’t come up with any more. The ones you fight hard for are usually the funnier ones.

4. Try to make your humor express your final point in an indirect way. It’s funnier to say someone could use “subsidies of something” than to say someone “someone doesn’t have much something.”

5. With each setup/punchline, play with the words to try to make your humor brief and to the point. Wordy “humor” generally is not as funny as brief humor.

6. Try to hide the final destination of your humorous setup/punchline until the very end. You want the punch of your humor to be showcased at the end, with nothing trailing it to drain the funny part away.


7. Practice on a regular basis. Keep what’s funny and toss what’s not funny. You’ll have to use your best judgment here.

This is easier to do if you set what you’ve written aside for a few days. Then, come back later and review it. Many of the lines that lack humor will stick out like a sore thumb.

Here’s an example of how I created a funny line:

– The word “imagination” popped into my mind, and I thought about how insulting it is to be accused of having no imagination.

– I wondered what group could I insult without really offending anyone. Politicians are always a good target.

– I then tried to figure out how I could accuse politicians of having no imagination.

– For the setup I wanted to suggest that I was going to compliment politicians by saying they had a lot of imagination. So I thought, “With the amount of imagination politicians have ….”

– I tried to think of a way to indirectly say someone has no imagination. My approach was “… they should qualify for government subsidies.”

– The result was:

Witty Yetis Dehydrated Water 16oz Can
Spiritual Side of Humor

With the amount of imagination
politicians have, they should
qualify for government subsidies.

If you don’t find that line funny, that’s OK. Your sense of humor may be different than mine. And that’s fine. Humor is very subjective, and there is a wide variety in the things people find funny. Also, analyzing the creation of a joke step-by-step, like we did above, has a tendency to kill the humor as you go.

This is the process I’m using on a regular basis to create fresh humor for my thought for the day web site. It’s not an easy task, but it’s fun and satisfying when the funny pours out.

And it’s great to think that maybe I’ve added a little humor to the middle of someone’s day, maybe just at the point where the person’s daily stress was about to overwhelm them. That’s why I call my humorous thought for the day Laugh Vitamin.

Using Spontaneous and Observational Humor

An impromptu quip will hit the target more often than a canned joke.
Imagine this. I arrive at a junior high school auditorium for a teacher inservice program. While setting up my session, I note two unrelated signs posted one above the other.

Most of the 300 arriving faculty members had seen those signs many times. But probably none saw them as I did. In my opening remarks, I shared with them, “This is a unique facility.

Look at the sign over the back door. ‘Restroom–Capacity 475!'” That fresh and creative bit of humor helped me attract interest and build a relationship with the audience.

Spontaneous humor is a wonderful way to connect with an audience. An impromptu quip will hit the target more often than a canned joke.

Audiences are flattered when the humor is created just for them. The teachers knew the comment about the signs was not a part of my script. And often, an improvised touch of humor lends a fresh appeal to your entire talk.

Here are four keys to the effective use of spontaneous humor:-
1. Preparation
2. Observation
3. Courage
4. Practice

First, let’s look at preparation.

What? Prepare to be spontaneous? Of course! Have you ever visited a comedy club and observed how the stand-up comic has an “off-the-cuff” ad lib for nearly anything that comes up?

Think of those times when the comic chats with people in the front row and makes a witty remark if someone happens to be from Chicago, or works in the medical field, or is visiting the club with someone other than his or her own spouse.

Such exchanges appear to be very spontaneous. But in reality, the comic is often making the “spontaneous” remark for the 50th or 100th time! The seasoned comic has prepared to be spontaneous.

In speaking situations, it’s a good idea to be prepared with humor to handle unexpected events.

For example, what will you do or say if the lights go out or the sound system fails? If you’re armed with a humorous ad lib, the audience will be won over when they see the problem hasn’t gotten the best of you.

Preparation should also include a study of your audience. If you circulate a preprogram questionnaire to obtain “inside information” about the group, you’ll be able to customize your humor and make it seem much more spontaneous.

Rodney Dangerfield Remembered
Spiritual Side of Humor

Here’s another tip: carefully note any effective off-the-cuff humorous remark made by you or an audience member, then recycle it during your next talk.

Although it may seem contradictory, being ready with a few humorous quips can actually create an illusion of spontaneity.

The second key is observation. Since most humor is based on relationships, the more observant you are, the more likely you’ll be able to create humorous relationships and pictures in the minds of your audience.

“Restrooms–Capacity 475” is an example of being observant. It was a bit of humor that created a funny picture in the minds of the audience.

On another occasion, while attending a holiday luncheon, I noticed a gentleman wearing loud green and red plaid pants with a black sports coat.

On my way up to the stage, I passed by his table and asked him to join me. Once in front of the audience I said, “Bob has started a new tradition today.

To carry on this tradition, next year when you arrive at your holiday luncheon, you’ll be required to exchange an article of clothing with someone seated next to you.

Would the gentleman wearing the other half of Bob’s suit please stand up.” With only a simple gesture and without any advance coordination, a gentleman wearing a loud plaid sports coat with black pants stood up! It brought the house down.

It’s also a good idea to listen and observe as other speakers make remarks and presentations before you speak.

At a company awards luncheon it seemed as though nearly everyone receiving 5, 10 and 15-year service awards had started in the company’s telemarketing department and had subsequently worked their way into other jobs. I added a new line to my opening monologue.

“People call me a comedy magician because they laugh at my magic and they’re mystified by my jokes. But I wasn’t always a comedy magician.

I used to work in telemarketing!” It was on target and received a great response. The audience appreciated the fresh, spontaneous
nature of the remark.

Then there was the time I attended a function where a wide variety of recognition were being given for club service.

During the course of the ceremony I noticed that some of the recipients were present and some were absent that evening.

So one of my best lines came from a simple observation: “This is my kind of club. You gave out perfect attendance awards to two people who weren’t even here!” Simple? Of course. But highly effective.

After you’ve prepared and remembered to be observant, you’ll need to exercise the third key…courage! There’s no doubt about it: Trying out new jokes takes guts.

But the more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll become. It’s worth the risk. Besides, if your audience doesn’t laugh, just pretend you were serious!

The fourth key is practice. You learn humor and spontaneity only by exercising your skills. I recommend you set a goal of using some humor in every presentation you give. Your humor comfort zone will increase and so will your spontaneity as you gain confidence.

A great way to practice your use of spontaneous humor is to join a Toastmasters club. Their meetings help you hone your critical speaking skills.

You have the opportunity to give prepared and impromptu speeches. Testing your humorous ideas, you’ll sharpen your skills.

When the opportunity comes to say a few words at the close of a meeting, for example, use a bit of observational humor created out of the circumstances of the meeting.

Or, if you’re assigned to present a joke during the meeting, bring a “hip-pocket” joke only as a backup. Then, during the meeting, attempt to create a fresh, new joke by exercising your observational skills.

It’s not as difficult as it might seem at first. You’ll become more observant and will eventually be able to create five or six pieces of observational humor by the close of every meeting. You can practice this technique at any type of meeting.

By using these keys of preparation, observation, courage and practice you’ll become more spontaneous. You’ll add a freshness to your presentation as you customize humor to your audience and your environment. Your talk will hit the mark…and the funnybone!

A Sense of Humor in the Workplace … Is it me? Or, was that not funny?

When I was first initiated into Corporate America, I had a sense of humor that went unmatched by any mortal soul. I was quick-witted, smart, sharp, and knew every gag and joke available to humanity.

Most of it, I learned in college. But, college never really did teach the fact that having a sense of humor in the workplace is different than ‘jocularity.’

After a few brushes with career-chaos, I realized that the definition of ‘corporate humor’ deals with how one handles oneself and not how one can elicit laughter.

— Where did this come from? —

One of my friends came to Las Vegas last week to visit and relax a bit. He and I went out and checked out some of the local bands. During the course of the evening, he brought up some issues about his current job situation.

After some introductory words, we discussed the issue that he seems to get blamed for some of the stupidest things, that he never did, and no one takes him seriously anymore. Then, he cracked some joke about it and we carried on.

Not being taken seriously by your peers is actually a common problem with people who do have a sense of humor. But, funny has no place in the workplace and can easily wreak havoc on an otherwise blossoming career.

— So, no more laughter? —
Of course, laughter is necessary in life. But, in a professional setting, it becomes a different type of laughter. One situation you will encounter as you move through your career is the seriousness of professionalism.

Of course, to some, this is not a problem. But, to those that have a funny bone, this is a big problem and a detriment to one’s career.

You have to realize that when your boss asks if you have a sense of humor, he’s not asking if you’re a clown.

What he is asking is whether or not you can accept criticism, deal with difficult people, and gracefully handle mistakes without snapping people’s heads off when things get stressful.

It is important and considered professional to be able to take criticism lightly as it is sometimes used as a tool of ‘turf wars’ than an actual personal attack.

— Hey, that was funny! —
If you begin to crack jokes and make snide remarks, you will eventually not be taken seriously in the workplace.

You will be seen as someone who wastes time because every time that someone approaches you to discuss a project or other issues with you, some of that time is spent explaining your humorous comments.

Additionally, many corporate-minded individuals do not have the time to analyze comments with hidden meanings and will take what you say as absolute.

Therefore, if you make a ‘stupid’ comment in hopes of eliciting a smile, your comment will be taken as an absolute and a representation of your professionalism in the workplace.

Finally, if your comments do have hidden meanings or contain humorous connotations, then anything you say will be taken as unreliable, thus labeling you as unreliable.

Realize that the corporate culture labels you by ‘visible change,’ not completely by merit. What I mean is, the last way you presented yourself is the way that you will be seen in the workplace.

If you are a serious, pleasant, and hard worker, you will be seen that way. If you crack a joke in the middle of a serious moment, from then on, you will be seen as a joker.

— Look over there! —
One thing to keep in mind is that many people crack jokes and make ‘humorous ‘ comments when they are uncomfortable or lack confidence in a situation. If this applies to you, realize that your peers know this as well.

Being overly humorous under stress gives off a sign of weakness within the workplace and will also cause you to be ousted from the ranks.

Try to find another outlet for discomfort or confidence issues. Perhaps a favorite ink pen or a small quartz crystal to toy with in such situations will remind you to maintain your professional façade as well as keep you calm.

— Watch what you say! —
One of the big problems facing corporate cultures today is that, in general, everyone is ‘sensitive’ to everything.

Instead of working together for a common goal, there are individuals that stay on their toes looking for that one thing that they can use to cause some sort of upheaval within the culture.

With that, corporate-minded peers are also on the lookout for those who might do or say something to upset those sensitive individuals.

Because of this situation, there truly is no room in a standard corporate culture for remarks and comments that in certain groups might otherwise be humorous .

You have to realize that when you speak within a corporate culture, be concise, be realistic, and do not add comedic breaks or sarcasm.

Since everyone is taking everything ‘seriously’ with a ‘sense of humor’ for themselves, then whatever you say will be taken seriously and could easily land you in hot water.

To alleviate the chance of being misinterpreted, keep emotion and personal beliefs out of the context of your conversations. Basically, listen closely and be concise in what you say.

Not only does this eliminate the problem of having people take you wrong, but it also saves a lot of time.

— The Deadly Silence —
There are several little games played within the corporate environment to elicit a fatal comment from the unwary.

The most deadly game is the ‘long pause.’ In many cases, you might sit before your boss, or peers, and provide information on a particular subject or project.

During the course of the discussion, you notice that your audience appears to be listening to everything you say. Then, at the end of your soliloquy, the audience seems dead or stuck in a mental time warp. This pause can last for as long as 10 seconds.

During this pause, it might seem as though your audience is mulling through your comments, but this is not entirely the case.

They are creating an uncomfortable pause for you to begin doubting your comments in hopes that you divulge additional information and demonstrate your lack of confidence and discomfort.

This situation will get you every single time if you’re not aware that it is only a game. One purpose of this game is so that the audience can acquire additional information from you that you would have otherwise never divulged.

On the other hand, the audience might be trying to acquire your nonsensical traits from your discomfort to use during a future turf war.

Again, be concise, and then listen. Wait out the infinite pause without saying a word and you’ll see that they were just waiting for you to speak.

— What’s next? —

Realize that you can still have fun and enjoy your work without the frolicky antics of a pubescent employee. One mishap can destroy a lifetime of kudos making it is easier to fall from graces than to repair a reputation.

Companies want people they can count on 100% of the time, not just when you’re serious and comfortable. Focus, take responsibility, move forward competently, and produce quality results.

If you’ve already fallen because of your sense of humor, then you will have to work hard to get back into the good graces of the culture.

All you have to do is maintain a professional façade, realize that corporate America is ‘not personal,’ and motivate in your career with confidence.

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