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Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig

Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig

Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig If making use of wit in your specialist talking discussion, comprehend this. Individuals will certainly pay even more to be captivated than they will certainly to be educated.


Wit completes lots of points in your discussion. Right here are some points that wit can do for you!

Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig
Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig

Wit aids you attach with your target market. Wit attracts your target market to you since individuals are normally attracted to favorable points.

2. Wit makes you extra likeable as well as friendly as an audio speaker. Your target market will certainly see you as being even more down-to-earth and also once again, relatable.


Wit produces passion in your subject as well as on your own. Wit simply makes points intriguing to comply with.


Wit aids to maintain the interest of your target market. By making use of wit, it’ll be harder for your target market to tune out due to the fact that they will certainly desire to hear your amusing tale.


Wit reinforces factor as well as suggestions you desire to highlight in your discussion. Amusing tales are unforgettable as well as can reinforce the factor of your message.


6. Wit eliminates hostility in your discussion. Wit lightens the state of mind of your target markets as well as deactivates adverse feelings if there were any kind of sick sensations in the direction of you or your message.


Wit assists attaches items of details in your subject. Job wit right into the shift factors of your discussion.


8. Wit assists repaint psychological pictures psychological of your target market. Since they can see themselves having those exact same scenarios, self-effacing wit is typically relatable to your target market.

Wit makes your discussion a lot more unforgettable. They’ll bear in mind amusing tales or amusing circumstances throughout your discussion.


Wit lightens a hefty subject. You do not desire to make your target market really feel clinically depressed also if your subject reviews an extremely severe issue.


Wit can bring in far better assessments and also even more item sales. Wit warms your target market up to you.

Wit will certainly make individuals satisfied. Wit aids you accomplish that.


Wit can include a lot range to an or else boring, details just discussion. Assisting to attach you with your target market, wit is a terrific enhancement that can bring you much better audio speaker testimonials and also enhanced profits.


Include some seasoning to your message by including wit!


Wit assists you link with your target market. Wit attracts your target market to you due to the fact that individuals are normally attracted to favorable points.


By utilizing wit, it’ll be harder for your target market to tune out due to the fact that they will certainly desire to hear your amusing tale.


Wit aids repaint psychological pictures in the minds of your target market. Assisting to attach you with your target market, wit is a fantastic enhancement that can bring you much better audio speaker evaluations as well as boosted income.

Humor In Business Management

Emotional Intelligence plays an important role. The central place of humor in life makes it possible to use its precise emotional expression, as expressed in daily cartoons, for business training.

The progress in computers simulators enables the good businessman to simulate all his routines before he goes to the business work.

He has the opportunity to concentrate on the non computerized human expressions in business. These are: customer service, work relationships, safety issues, self improvement and so on.

Any dealing with the human capital is an obligation to deal with emotions. Emotions volumes cannot be measured precisely, contrary to cognitive or physical volumes.

The reason is that emotions expand all the time. It gives them their unique attribute: The human ability to be empathic.

We can measure exactly sales volume, I.Q. or weight lifting, but not the intensity of love and hate. For example: Questionnaires about satisfaction from a boss or a product give only limited answers.

This leaves the business leader exposed to mistakes of emotional intelligence.

Large part of the business continuity, from the morning meetings through the motivation papers and finally with the private learning in the evening, is dedicated to practice on human resources.

The amount of humor in it is small compared to ordinary life. While daily life is a continuous effort for laugher, business life is a cooperated effort for making life more serious.

There is nothing better then the sense of humor, the best known therapy for the soul, for the illumination of the human factor. Humor is derived directly from an overloaded mind which seeks to facilitate the feelings it faces with others.

The definition of humor is: Emotions made precise.

A Funny Joke and also The Man without Humor (2)
Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig

Every business negotiation is also a transaction of emotions. These are accurate emotions, purified through the long bargaining process.

After a deal is closed, there is a mutual sense of emotional relief between the negotiating sides. When this sense of relief fades away, It create a by product in the form of a lightness of the spirit, a sense of humor.

The precision of humor makes it suitable for the businessmen training. There is a use for humor in all aspects of business communication.

But Business fun is not as simple as it looks like. It demands professionalism both in humor and in business. It has to be precise.

Otherwise there is a danger of getting out of focus. Laser precision is part of any humor. If the target is missed, the damage is big.

One medium of humor, the cartoon, is more suitable for the business office. The Visual aspect of the cartoon makes it easy to grasp the content. It affords a visual relaxation in the visually intensive business world.

There are few Daily Cartoon series that deals directly with the business work. One of them is The Daily Cartoon by Randy Glasbergen.

It usually shows a sophisticated and delicate situation, which is the result of ordinary human behavior. The situation is mainly a very sharp event regarding money. The elusive world of money making motives finds here its accurate, funny representation.

The characters serve just as a mean for clarification. The subject is not a certain character with unique attributes, but a situation with a familiar background.

The reliance on practical situations makes the Daily Cartoon by Randy Glasbergen a favorable choice for the business world.

Anybody can sympathize with a situation which was represented before him in a cartoon. If we shall apply it on a daily basis, we shall laugh all the way to the bank. To do so, we need a closer focus on business stories.

There is a huge need for sophisticated cartoons in all that is concerned with human resources. The greater part of Glasbergen’s cartoons is about the modern business environment: Computers and Internet, management and workers, decision making and ethics, and so on.

In addition, there are many cartoons which contain ideas and advice regarding other aspects of life: Health, family, self improvement and more. The cartoons cover with precision almost any field with a very positive affect.

Cartoons are the best way for introducing emotional intelligence for businessmen. It is a business training technique which should be implemented to the infrastructure of business processes.

How to Use Humor to Increase Sales

Using cartoons can help brand your marketing and drive home important messages. Although surprisingly inexpensive to acquire, humor can be one of your most powerful marketing tools.

Humor puts your readers at ease. Readers appreciate a touch of humor in an otherwise overly serious world.
Humor operates on an emotional level,

driving home your message in a far more memorable way than words alone. Humor makes sensitive topics more approachable while summarizing and reinforcing points that would otherwise be lost.

Different types of humor work best in different contexts. Many speakers begin with a joke to put the audience at ease, or a story about ‘a funny thing that happened on the way to the meeting.’

But jokes and stories are less appropriate for written communications. Jokes can be misinterpreted and depend on delivery and timing for their effectiveness. Stories can take too long to tell.

Cartoons are perfect for print communications. Readers who typically check them out before reading the adjacent articles appreciate cartoons.

More important, cartoons communicate at a glance. A cartoon can attract your reader’s attention and drive home an important point in a memorable way.

The editorial page of any newspaper shows how effective humor can be in simplifying complex subjects and driving home a point of view.

Humor also adds a visual dimension to your marketing, differentiating your message from your competitor’s. Cartoons encourage readers to look at topics they might otherwise skip.

Where do you get cartoons? One of the best sources is the Cartoon Bank, www.cartoonbank.com. Here, you can license reproduction rights to cartoons that originally appeared in the New Yorker Magazine.
You can select from tens of thousands of cartoons.

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You can search by topic or keyword. After choosing an appropriate cartoon, you can find out how much it will cost to license it, and then you can download it.
Licensing fees are surprisingly reasonable for most business applications.

For example, you can license New Yorker cartoons for use in presentations for just $19.95! For other purposes, the cost depends on where you’re going to use it and how many people will see it.

There are, of course, other sources of cartoons. If you see a cartoon you like in a newspaper or magazine, write the cartoonist in care of the publication and ask about availability and pricing. If there is a particular cartoonist whose style you like, contact the cartoonist about a custom cartoon.

This has worked very well for me and I owned total rights to use the cartoon any way I wanted.
Cartoons are great for the home page of your website, newsletters, training materials and presentation visuals.

In each case, the unexpectedness of a cartoon immediately captures your audience or reader’s attention and visually reinforces your message.

Here are some suggestions for marketing with cartoons:

1. When in doubt, leave it out. If the cartoon does not perfectly support your point, leave it out.
2. Always add the copyright information described in the licensing agreement.
3. Never run a cartoon without first obtaining a license to reproduce it.
4. Optimization. After downloading, resize and sharpen the cartoon in an image-editing program like Photoshop and export it in the proper file format.

Using humor in the form of cartoons is a powerful way to brand your marketing and drive home important messages to your prospects and clients.

Factors Influencing The Impact Of Humor In Persuasion

Humor’s effectiveness will always ride the emotional tides of your audience members. How well a joke goes over may depend on whose company your prospects are in,

whether they are winding down for the day or still up against deadlines or other workplace pressures, whether they are awake and alert or feeling drowsy, whether they have a headache, etc.

Always be in tune with how your audience is feeling and always assess the atmosphere you’re in to determine whether it is conducive to humor.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to whether or not humor will be effective in persuading someone. Often, it will simply be the mood or situation that makes it obvious whether humor is appropriate or not.

For example, if someone has just learned of a death in her family, you probably shouldn’t start cracking jokes.

Another example would be if you were speaking in a religious setting where there was an expectation that a certain degree of reverence always be maintained.

You probably wouldn’t go wild with the humor in this kind of setting. The appropriateness of humor for a particular setting or mood is usually not too difficult to discern. You just have to be observant.

What may be funny to one person one day will not be funny the next, even if it’s the exact same joke told in the exact same way.

There are many other less apparent factors that influence humor. Have you ever considered factors such as what time of day it is, the number of people in your audience or even the layout and lighting of the room? All of these things can influence how your humor will come across.

As far as time of day, mornings are typically more stressful, since it is then when most people are confronted with all the demands that await them. Under certain circumstances, this stressfulness may be precisely the type of mood you’re looking for. Other times, you may want an audience that’s a little more relaxed.

When people are on a lunch break or winding down for the day and readying themselves to leave work, you may find that they are more receptive to a good joke.

When considering the size of your audience, the general rule of thumb is “the bigger, the better.”

That is, the bigger your audience, the more laughter you will typically get. Why is this? It’s because laughter is contagious. The more people involved, the more we laugh.

Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig
Utilizing Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig

For example, when a movie theater is packed, the laughter tends to be greater and last longer than when there are only four people in the audience. This is one of the reasons why TV producers use canned laughter in their programming.

Often the scenario being acted out really isn’t even that funny, but studies show that the use of laugh tracks actually gets us to laugh more.

Whether the material even registered as being funny or not, we are more inclined to laugh along if we hear others laughing.

Knowledge of this tendency can give you a real advantage when considering the layout of the room you’ll be speaking in.

Notice the seating arrangement. How many people are expected to show up compared to how many chairs are set up? Always make sure there are less chairs set up than there are people expected.

If audience members sit closer together, it will be easier to get the energy going and evoke more laughter than it would be if they were spread out all over the room.

A seemingly sparse audience will surely dampen humor’s designed effect. A more compact seating arrangement will not only help people laugh more freely and more often, but it will also give off the illusion of greater attendance.

Another consideration is the lighting of your speaking area. The audience’s ability to see your facial expressions and body language is of prime importance.

Special Delivery! Tips for Improving Your Humor

Delivering humorous speeches involves a lot more than simply having good material. Take some time to incorporate these tips into your presentations and watch the fun and laughter factors rise.

In Fun
Sigmund Freud wrote: “The most favorable condition for comic pleasure is a generally happy disposition in which one is in the mood for laughter.”

This concept is called “in fun.” If you want your audience to laugh, they must be in fun. You, the speaker, must be in fun. The emcee or program coordinator must be in fun. The whole program should be designed in fun. Do anything you can to be sure your audience knows that it’s OK to laugh.

Time Of Day
The first speaker of the day for an early morning program should not expect hearty laughter. People are not conditioned to laugh a great deal in the early morning. Many won’t even be awake yet. Use more information and less humor.

It’s important for you to know when not to expect hearty laughter. It would be a waste of time to use your best material at a time when laughter normally wouldn’t be expected. The poor response also brings your energy level down.

The Andy Griffith Show DVD Review (1)
The Andy Griffith Show DVD Review (1)

Many consider brunch and lunch to be the best times of day to expect a responsive audience. In the afternoon people are starting to get tired so don’t expect laughter to be as intense.

Male/Female Makeup of Audience
All-female audiences tend to laugh more easily and louder than all-male audiences. Audiences that consist of more than 50 percent women are good too. The presence of the females provides a good buffer and makes it OK for the “big-ego” men to laugh.

No, I’m not talking about how much you weigh today. I’m saying that the size of your audience has a direct effect on the types of humor which are most appropriate.

Members of small business groups tend to be too self-conscious to laugh much. Use short one-liners. Don’t use any long stories or jokes. In larger groups it’s OK to stretch to jokes and short stories.

Pre-Program Research
The more you know about your audience, the better able you will be to pick the humor that will get the greatest response. Your research before the program will also allow you to uncover the group’s inside humor.

The best seating arrangement for laughter is semicircular theater style. When audience members are seated close together on a curve, they can look to their left or right and see the faces of each person in the row.

This togetherness allows laughter to pass immediately from one person to the other. Contact NSA member and seating expert Paul Radde for advanced seating information.

Choose Funnier Words
Your word choice can be the key to creating a successful witty line or a dud. In particular, words with the “K” sound in them are funny. Cucumber is funnier than mushroom. Cupcake is funnier than pastry. Turkey is a funnier word than loser.

Deliver The Punch
Some humorists will disagree, but I say deliver your punch line to one person and make sure that person is going to laugh. You must punch the line out a little harder and with a slightly different voice than the rest of the joke.

Lean into the microphone and say it louder and more clearly than you said the setup lines. If the audience does not hear the punch line, they aren’t going to laugh.

Deliver the punch line to a person you know will laugh, so that others will be positively influenced to laugh.

How do you know if a person will laugh or not?

Pay attention to those who have been laughing, those nodding their heads in agreement with you during the program, and those you identified before the program.

Pausing just before and just after your punch line gives the audience a chance to “get” the humor and laugh. Absolutely do not continue to talk when laughter is expected. If you do, you will “step on” your laughter and squelch it quickly.

Make It Relevant
If you make all your attempts at humor relevant to your presentation, you get an automatic excuse from your mother if your humor is not all that funny.

If your humor is received as funny, so much the better; but if it isn’t, at least you made your point. Audiences will be much more tolerant if the humor ties into the subject at hand.

Use this formula:
A. Make your point.
B. Illustrate your point with something funny.
C. Restate your point.

Vary The Types
The above formula would get boring and redundant rather quickly if you used the exact same type of humor every time for part B.

By varying the type of humor in B, you can go on virtually forever, and no one will recognize that you are using a formula.

I have identified more than 34 different types of humor to plug into the formula. You could use one liners, jokes, humorous props, funny stories, magic, cartoons or other funny visuals.

Rule Of Three
One of the most pervasive principles in the construction of humorous situations is the “Rule of Three.” You will see it used over and over because it’s simple, it’s powerful, and it works.

(See, I just used it there in a non-funny situation.) Most of the time in humor the Rule of Three is used in the following fashion: The first comment names the topic, the second sets a pattern, and the third unexpectedly switches the pattern, making it funny.

Here’s an example from a brochure advertising my seminars:-

In the “How to Get There” section
From Washington, D.C., take Route 50.
From Baltimore, Md., take Route 95.
From Bangkok, Thailand, board Thai Airways.

Look Funnier
I have been accused of being too “corporate-looking¡¨ to be funny. When I’m being funny, I use facial expressions, odd body angles and bizarre comments and props to make up for my “normal” look.

Those of you that have obvious physical characteristics that can be used in teasing yourself have an advantage.

People love characters who are not afraid of teasing themselves. You can enhance the funny look with fun patterns and colors on ties and dresses, hats and funny glasses.

Bombproof Your Talks
Are you afraid of bombing when you get up in front of a group? You don’t have to be. With proper material selection,

a few prepared comments in case of unexpected problems and attention to time, worries about bombing can be virtually eliminated.

As in tip above, make sure your material is relevant to your topic, and keep it short. The longer a piece of humor is, the funnier it better be.

A. Saver Lines
Saver Lines are what you say when your supposedly humorous statement does not get a laugh. You shouldn’t be ashamed to use saver lines.

The top comedians in the world need them and some purposely make mistakes so they can get a laugh from the saver line. Johnny Carson was an expert at this.

After a poor response to a joke, he would say a comically insulting line like, “This is the kind of crowd that would watch Bambi through a sniper scope.” Don’t overdo the saver lines. If you have to use too many, your material must be pretty bad.

B. Pre-Planned Ad-Libs
Another way to keep from bombing is to “expect the unexpected.” Canned or pre-planned ad-libs are pre-written responses to unexpected happenings or mistakes that occur during a presentation, i.e., the microphone squeals, the projection bulb burns out, you say the wrong thing, etc.

Prepared ad-libs actually do more than just save you. They make you look tremendously polished. Here’s the continuum: A bad presenter will stammer around when a problem occurs. A ZZZZZs presenter will say nothing and try to ignore the problem.

A great Wake ’em Up presenter will make a witty comment that appears to be spontaneous. The audience believes you are originating humor on the spot. You are just quickly recalling pre-planned responses.

Microphone Squeals
This is the portion of my presentation where I do my elephant impression.

Projector Light Burns Out

This is the first time I have been brighter than my equipment.

Highlighter Runs Out Of Ink I’m out of ink. I’ll be back in a wink. (remember . . . “k” words are funny)
Think Diversity

Our audiences are more ethnically diverse than ever before, so it’s crucial to watch your political correctness and eliminate sexist language from your presentation.

Not only is it easy to offend, which will turn your audience off completely, easily understandable word choice is more critical than ever to ensure that your audience members “get” the humor.

When speaking across cultural lines, especially, visual humor such as magic, cartoons and comic strips are the most readily understood.

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